Welcome to our survey, designed to explore the relationship between male genital size and preferences in various everyday activities. We recognize that genital size can influence aspects of a man’s life, from comfort and practicality to confidence and self-perception.
This survey seeks to understand how men feel about their genital size (including penis and ball size) in specific contexts such as working, exercising, sexual activity, and more. By sharing your preferences and experiences, you’ll contribute to important research that aims to shed light on how size influences different aspects of life.
We assure you that your participation is entirely anonymous, and your responses will be kept confidential. There are no right or wrong answers—just your honest thoughts and feelings.
Thank you for taking the time to contribute to this study. Your input is invaluable.
Note: The form provides measurements in metric used in most of the world and imperial used in the US and a few other countries provided in parenthesis, so scroll to find your correct measurement when filling out the form.